Chiller / WPAmini Techno

Air-cooled industrial liquid chiller
ErP2021 – R410A with scroll compressor
95 – 170 kW Chiller / WPAmini Techno Category: Brand:

Chiller / WPAmini Techno is an air-cooled industrial liquid chiller designed for process cooling 24/7, 365 days a year, characterized by two refrigerant circuits with scroll compressors in tandem optimized for the use of R410A, plate evaporator and cooling capacity from 95 kW to 170 kW.

Product information


Chiller / WPAmini Techno is an air-cooled industrial liquid chiller designed for process cooling 24/7, 365 days a year, characterized by two refrigerant circuits with scroll compressors in tandem optimized for the use of R410A, plate evaporator and cooling capacity from 95 kW to 170 kW.

Cosmotec's experience in process cooling has led to the development of this series of industrial chillers that can meet the wide operating limits (both ambient and user side) required by the new technologies used for energy conservation. All WPAmini series chillers have high levels of energy efficiency (class A or B) and compliance with the limits required by the 2009/125/EC Ecodesign ErP 2021 directive. The integrated Free Cooling version available for the WPAmini series enables significant energy savings, especially for installations in areas with cold or temperate climates. Even in the low-noise version, ideal for installations near residential areas, our units maintain high performance and high energy savings, ensuring low noise.

The Electronic Expansion Valve (EEV) optimizes temperature and pressure for gas evaporation, increases efficiency at part loads on the user side and helps extend the unit's operating range. The Microchannel condensers are made entirely of aluminum and are expressly designed to maximize the performance of the cooling unit and enable the reduction of the overall dimensions and the minimization of the refrigerant charge. For better resistance to corrosion, e-coating protective treatment is available (optional).


  • ISO 9001
  • ISO 14001
  • ISO 50001
  • UL certificate
  • EAC air conditioning
  • Certificate F.GAS

Environmentally friendly version with LOW GWP
On request, WPAmini units are available with environmentally friendly R454B refrigerant that provides a reduction in global warming potential (GWP = 467). Classified as A2L R454B is non-toxic but highly flammable, in PED safety group 1.

Free cooling for energy saving
WPAmini chillers are available in an integrated Free Cooling version, which enables significant energy savings, especially in applications that require high temperatures of the coolant (plastics, data centers) and installation in areas with cold or temperate climates. By utilizing the external air to cool the liquid, the Free Cooling system can even replace the cooling circuit entirely, allowing deactivation of the compressors. Depending on the climatic conditions, the WPAmini cooler will use the most suitable operating mode from:

  • Compressor mode (DX): the heat load from the plant is met by the refrigerant circuit.
  • Blend mode : reduces energy consumption by exchanging part of the thermal heat with the surrounding air. This solution partializes the operation of the compressors, as they only need to produce the missing part of the cooling capacity.
  • Total free cooling : with low external air temperatures, the liquid is completely cooled by the surrounding air. Energy consumption is minimized thanks to the operation of only the variable speed fans and the partial valves.

Wide operating limits
Each application has different needs based on ambient temperature, liquid temperature, positioning, sound level, etc. Cosmotec can meet the most diverse needs, thanks to a wide range of options and the possibility to extend the operating limits of the WPAmini series chillers, if necessary. Some examples:

  • Very hot and dusty environment : The WPAmini coolers are equipped with metal air filters to protect the condensers from dust and dirt. Operation is up to +55 °C with relief function. 100% cooling capacity is guaranteed down to +45 °C. If the temperature rises, the relief function starts the compressors without turning them off.
  • Very cold environment : the compressor compartment is closed and heating resistors are installed to protect the electrical cabinet, the compressors, the evaporator and the entire hydraulic circuit. Free cooling reaches down to -40°C with specially selected components to guarantee a long service life for the entire cooling unit.
  • High temperature water applications (plastic): the cooling circuit is specially designed to reach high outlet temperatures. The compressor has wide operating limits and a high suction temperature.
  • Cold water applications (food, drink, biogas): the cooling circuit is designed to reach low outlet temperatures. The thickness of the thermal insulation is increased and the frost protection system is standard to preserve the refrigerant and hydraulic circuits both in operation and in stand-by mode.

Integrated water unit (optional)
The hydronic unit contains the main hydraulic components and is available in different configurations: with single or double centrifugal pump, high or low head, fixed speed or controlled by inverter and inertia storage.

Article number

Read more at Cosmotec


Helps you choose
To design a cooling systems for industrial applications requires specific skills, which we have decided to make more accessible thanks to XShark , an easy-to-use cooling system design software.

The specific characteristics of each project determine special cooling needs and requirements : by entering the relevant data for your application, XShark design software will process and present it most suitable proposals . We are of course available for specific advice or support in using this free tools !

Supported products
XShark includes the following Cosmotec series:

  • WPAmini Techno: air-cooled multi-scroll water cooler (80 to 150 kW)
  • WPA Techno: air-cooled multi-scroll water chiller (160 to 560 kW)
  • WSA Techno: air-cooled screw compressor water cooler (from 370 to 1260 kW)
  • WSW Techno: water-cooled screw compressor chiller (230 to 1550 kW)
  • RAW High density : water-cooled inrow chiller

How to use XShark
First you have to download the software . Then just follow the instructions, if you need it there is a guide with all information. For Windows 10 users: Be careful, an error window may appear when installing the software on Windows 10. To continue, press the “Cancel” button.

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Chiller / WPAmini Techno
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