Chilller / WLA Compact

Reliable, precise, and compact industrial air cooled chiller
1,41 – 5,05 Kw Chilller / WLA Compact Category: Brand:

Chiller / WLA Compact is an air-cooled industrial chiller with Compact design. The performance of modern industrial processes is closely affected by variations in their operating temperature and can be compromised by dangerous overheating. The new WLA Compact industrial chillers are designed to provide precise temperature control of the process fluid and reliable operation in a wide range of industrial applications such as: Cooling of machine tools, Lasers, Presses, Extruders, Chemical, Pharmaceutical, Food, Medical sectors.

Product information


Chiller / WLA Compact is an air-cooled industrial chiller with Compact design. The performance of modern industrial processes is closely affected by variations in their operating temperature and can be compromised by dangerous overheating. The new WLA Compact industrial chillers are designed to provide precise temperature control of the process fluid and reliable operation in a wide range of industrial applications such as: Cooling of machine tools, Lasers, Presses, Extruders, Chemical, Pharmaceutical, Food, Medical sectors.

Cooling capacity: 1,41 – 5,05 kW
Cooling fluid: R134A
Power supply: 230Vac, 400Vac, 460Vac
Operatimg range: Standard cooling unit
Outlet water temperature: -5°/+1°C ÷ +13°/+30°C;
Ambient air temperature: min/max +15°/+45°C

Cooling circuit:

  • Piston (mod. 02-03), rotary (mod. 05-08) or scroll (mod. 10-13) compressor
  • New plate heat exchangers optimized for high evaporation temperatures
  • New lamellar condensers protected by a metal particle filter and with reduced pipe diameter: they reduce the refrigerant supply by around 20%.
  • HP high pressure switch with manual reset
  • Thermostatic lamination valve

Hydraulic circuit:

  • Atmospheric pressure hydraulic circuit constructed of non-ferrous materials
  • New HDPE inertia tank with increased volume equipped with visual level indicator, fill/drain connections and overflow
  • Automatic bypass valve in bronze as standard
  • Standard flow monitor
  • Manometer 0-6bar

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Helps you choose
To design a cooling systems for industrial applications requires specific skills, which we have decided to make more accessible thanks to XShark , an easy-to-use cooling system design software.

The specific characteristics of each project determine special cooling needs and requirements : by entering the relevant data for your application, XShark design software will process and present it most suitable proposals . We are of course available for specific advice or support in using this free tools !

Supported products
XShark includes the following Cosmotec series:

  • WPAmini Techno: air-cooled multi-scroll water cooler (80 to 150 kW)
  • WPA Techno: air-cooled multi-scroll water chiller (160 to 560 kW)
  • WSA Techno: air-cooled screw compressor water cooler (from 370 to 1260 kW)
  • WSW Techno: water-cooled screw compressor chiller (230 to 1550 kW)
  • RAW High density : water-cooled inrow chiller

How to use XShark
First you have to download the software . Then just follow the instructions, if you need it there is a guide with all information. For Windows 10 users: Be careful, an error window may appear when installing the software on Windows 10. To continue, press the “Cancel” button.

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Chilller / WLA Compact
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