Chiller / ORA O-Flow

Oil industrial chiller
R134a with Scroll compressors
2 -16 kW Chiller / ORA O-Flow Category: Brand:

Chiller / ORA O-Flow with Oil Cooling is indispensable in a variety of applications:

  • Mechanical engineering : to control the temperature of the hydraulic oil or spindle oil, prevent deformation and result in better surface finish and accuracy of the finished product.
  • Chip removal machines : Cooling the cutting oil improves the life of the machine tool and enables a better surface finish on the final product.

Thanks to its configurability and high thermodynamic performance, ORA oil coolers can perfectly meet the requirements of these industrial applications.

Product information


Chiller / ORA O-Flow with Oil Cooling is indispensable in a variety of applications:

  • Mechanical engineering : to control the temperature of the hydraulic oil or spindle oil, prevent deformation and result in better surface finish and accuracy of the finished product.
  • Chip removal machines : Cooling the cutting oil improves the life of the machine tool and enables a better surface finish on the final product.

Thanks to its configurability and high thermodynamic performance, ORA oil coolers can perfectly meet the requirements of these industrial applications.


  • CE
  • EAC

Main features

  • Cooling capacity between 2 and 16 kW
  • Refrigerant R134a (2÷4kW); R407C (6÷16kW)
  • Non-ferrous hydraulic circuit and stainless steel evaporator to preserve oil quality
  • Microprocessor control programmable with proprietary software
  • OA reciprocating scroll compressors
  • Fully configurable units with many options and accessories
  • Compact design suitable for installation in small spaces near the machine tool
  • Structure designed for loop handling
  • Axial fans with speed control (optional)
  • 10 bar gear pump (optional)
  • Zero oil pressure gauge – 25 bar in glycerine
  • Automatic hydraulic bypass valve set at 10 bar
  • The structure and design ensures full access to internal components for easy maintenance

Available versions

  • Direct replacement version with plate evaporator
  • Direct replacement version with plate evaporator and gear pump

ORA Process Chillers do not fall under the applicability of the regulations MT (Medium Temperature – EU 2015/1095) and HT (High Temperature – EU 2016/2281).
Working range of the cooled liquid: +13°C ÷ +30°C

Article number


Helps you choose
To design a cooling systems for industrial applications requires specific skills, which we have decided to make more accessible thanks to XShark , an easy-to-use cooling system design software.

The specific characteristics of each project determine special cooling needs and requirements : by entering the relevant data for your application, XShark design software will process and present it most suitable proposals . We are of course available for specific advice or support in using this free tools !

Supported products
XShark includes the following Cosmotec series:

  • WPAmini Techno: air-cooled multi-scroll water cooler (80 to 150 kW)
  • WPA Techno: air-cooled multi-scroll water chiller (160 to 560 kW)
  • WSA Techno: air-cooled screw compressor water cooler (from 370 to 1260 kW)
  • WSW Techno: water-cooled screw compressor chiller (230 to 1550 kW)
  • RAW High density : water-cooled inrow chiller

How to use XShark
First you have to download the software . Then just follow the instructions, if you need it there is a guide med all information. För Windows 10-användare: Var försiktig, ett felfönster kan visas när du installerar programvaran på Windows 10. För att fortsätta, tryck på knappen ”Avbryt”.

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Chiller / ORA O-Flow
Konfigurera: Chiller / ORA O-Flow
Art.NoTypeDescriptionPcFör Skåp
EUPI060140Innerdörr E NUXB600 H14001ENUX061404PR, ENUX061405PR, ENUX121404PR, ENUX121405PR
EUPI060160Innerdörr E NUXB600 H16001ENUX061604PR, ENUX061605PR, ENUX061606PR, ENUX121604PR, ENUX121605PR, ENUX121606PR
EUPI060180Innerdörr E NUXB600 H18001ENUX061804PR, ENUX061805PR, ENUX061806PR, ENUX061808PR, ENUX121804PR, ENUX121805PR, ENUX121806PR, ENUX121808PR
EUPI060200Innerdörr E NUXB600 H20001ENUX062004PR, ENUX062005PR, ENUX062006PR, ENUX062008PR, ENUX062010PR, ENUX122004PR, ENUX122005PR, ENUX122006PR, ENUX122008PR, ENUX122010PR
EUPI060200Innerdörr E NUXB600 H22001ENUX062205PR, ENUX062206PR, ENUX062208PR, ENUX122205PR, ENUX122206PR, ENUX122208PR
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EUPI080160Innerdörr E NUXB800 H16001ENUX081604PR, ENUX081605PR, ENUX081606PR
EUPI080180Innerdörr E NUXB800 H18001ENUX081804PR, ENUX081805PR, ENUX081806PR, ENUX081808PR
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EUPI080220Innerdörr E NUXB800 H220011ENUX082205PR, ENUX082206PR, ENUX082208PR